Meet the Team

Addie Gannon

I’m Addie, the founder of the Finding Fullness Collective! I love Jesus, people, music, and mint chocolate chip ice cream, in that order. Also books, sunsets, and the beach, preferably combined.

I’m passionate about cultivating friendships where people feel seen, known, and loved, and make it my goal to practice intentional, radical hospitality. Though I seek depth, beauty, and meaning in all things, I'm a firm believer in the theology of fun (aka not taking yourself too seriously), and can often be found dancing or making bad puns.

I’m currently spreading roots in Wheaton, IL where I teach violin lessons, manage everything tech related at my church, lead youth group, and am finding lots of fullness.

What started as a fun creative outlet for my writing has turned into a space for encouragement to take root and community to grow. Let’s learn how to live full lives together, one prayer and deep belly laugh at a time.

I'm here to tell you that you matter, and you are loved. I'm on a journey out of fear into fullness and freedom as I do life with Jesus. The gospel is daily changing my life, and I invite you to let it change yours, too.

  • Artist & Editor

    Check out our shop to see Allison’s amazing pen & ink prints and note cards! In addition to her artwork, Allison contributes as an editor, encourager, and loyal friend.

  • Behind Finding Fullness stand COUNTLESS friends and family members who teach me what beauty, truth, and goodness are. From housemates who listen to my crazy business ideas, to friends I’ve shared hard but beautiful seasons of life with, to the faithful few who have read and encouraged my writing over the years, thank you. You are a bigger part of The Collective than you know.